At Fedora Media, we make your wedding day unforgettable with stress-free, professional photography and videography services. Backed by over a decade of expertise and over 100 five-star reviews from happy couples, we deliver stunning, custom-crafted visuals that beautifully tell your love story. Trust us to capture the magic of your special day with creativity and care.

Our journey together begins with a complimentary consultation to understand your unique wedding vision. With over fourteen years of wedding experience, our goal is to make your day as fun and stress-free as possible.
We offer a wide range of wedding planning tools, including a Wedding Day Itinerary, Wedding Photo Checklist, Vendor Contact List, and Planning Guides. Plus, our Preferred Vendor Program connects you to top local vendors and saves you thousands on wedding services.
We have a comprehensive photo backup system to ensure your memories are safe. We have two cameras on-site for each team member and save your images on multiple memory cards. Once your images return to the office, they are downloaded onto our editing terminal and backed up in two secure locations. After delivering your wedding photos, we retain copies and keep your online gallery accessible indefinitely without any downloading or sharing restrictions.
We love creating images that reflect who you are as a couple, so you can proudly share your wedding memories with family and friends.
Reviews From Wedding Wire

Wedding Photography Features & Publications
Jessica and Marc’s Enchanting Summer Wedding of Pastels and Personal Touches
The Wedding Ring Magazine Spring/Summer - 2025 Pages 3, 56 & 57
Sneakers & Cinema With A Touch Of Tradition
Alexis and Anthony’s Boho Wedding That Almost Didn’t Happen.
Sonya and Lyle’s Picturesque Boho Wedding Busting With Love and Joy
Jennifer and Andrew’s Heartwarming Boho-Inspired Wedding at the Enchanting Erin Estate
A Simple Wedding At Ancaster Mill
The Wedding Ring Online - Add Creative Flair With Unique Lighting
The Wedding Ring Online - A Sunset Beach Inspired Wedding
The Wedding Ring Online - Art Deco Wedding At Whistle Bear
The Wedding Ring Online - Champagne and Gold Wedding
The Wedding Ring Magazine - Fall/Winter 2023 Pages 32, 41, 52, 56, 57
CBC - Social Media Content Creators
The Wedding Ring Online - Helicopter Wedding Grand Entrance at Erin Estate
The Knot - Special Dog Edition - The Cover and pages 2, 19-26
The Wedding Ring Online - Grey, Navy and Gold at C Hotel by Carmen’s
Rock N Roll Bride Blog - Elegant Meets Rock N Roll